1. How can I log in if I don't have a Proof ID and Password yet?
If you are a student or parent interested in applying to Proof School,
then choose the "Apply" link. (Available from October through mid-January.) This will allow you to submit an
admissions inquiry, which will automatically create an account for
you, complete with Proof ID and password for both the parent and the
student. If you are another type of user on the system (for instance
an interviewer or faculty member) then an administrator will create an
account for you separately and then communicate log in credentials to
2. What if the "Apply" link does not appear?
This means that the admissions inquiry deadline has passed, so it is no longer possible to create an account in the manner described above. Please contact us at info@proofschool.org for further information.
3. How do I return to the main Proof School website?
Just click on the Proof School logo at the top of
each page within the portal.
If you have further questions that were not addressed above, please contact us by sending email to admissions@proofschool.org.